Hestu is a secret vendor in Zelda Breath of the Wild. He’s a giant Korok, who can help you increase your inventory. In exchange, he… Aug 10, 2017, 13:3713 Zelda BoTW Stealthfin Trout Locations – Where to farm stealth fish
Main and Side Quests Main and Side Quests How To Open Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower How To Enter Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower How To Enter Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower How To Enter Upland Zorana Skyview Tower The Gourmets Gone Missing Quest Decorate With Passion Quest Gloom-Borne Illness Quest Gu...
I mark it on the map with a stamp in order to return to it later. At the moment, I have over 10 korok seeds, so I can go to Hestu and have him expand my shield inventory slots so I can carry one more shield, so I can pick up a rusty shield if I find one and bring it ba...
I was hoping I could pick up another piece of horn, and then I could to go the Korok village to visit Hestu and max out my melee weapon inventory slots. I wait until Naydra appears again, and get up very close to him but still only manage a scale hit, and don’t claim my piece...