福利品活動專區 商品類別 首頁 2Tier Dumbbell Rack雙層啞鈴架 推薦的商品 Bottom Sliding Band Pegs售價 / $ 0 商品介紹Product Information洽詢客服 Hammer Strength訓練器材於20多年前由美國人Gary Jones所研發而成。Gary Jones以專門為運動選手所設計之訓練器材為理念,結合多位專精於運動科學及體適能領域之醫生、...
but solidifying grip strength, which is linked to a host of benefits including longevity. Orsborn says they’re versatile and allow for minimal storage space, while being great for compound and functional movements like deadlifts, squats and kettlebell swings, which improve strength, sta...