Light and scanning electron microscopic study on the tongue and lingual papillae of the common raccoon, Procyon lotor. CTCs of fungiform papillae were cylinder-like with numerous vertically running ridges and with a few concavities seen at the top of the cores. CTCs of ... Y Miyawaki,K Yoshim...
9. 14.9 - 手部表面解剖学9(9. 14.9 - Surface Anatomy of Hand - Part 9) 11. 放松姿势& 图的结论(11. Relax Pose & Conclusion of Figure) 1. 15.1 放松姿势& 图的结论(1. 15.1 Relax Pose & Conclusion of Figure) 12. 下牙& 舌头(12. Bottom Teeth & Tongue) ...
9. 14.9 - 手部表面解剖学9(9. 14.9 - Surface Anatomy of Hand - Part 9) 11. 放松姿势& 图的结论(11. Relax Pose & Conclusion of Figure) 1. 15.1 放松姿势& 图的结论(1. 15.1 Relax Pose & Conclusion of Figure) 12. 下牙& 舌头(12. Bottom Teeth & Tongue) ...
9. 14.9 - 手部表面解剖学9(9. 14.9 - Surface Anatomy of Hand - Part 9) 11. 放松姿势& 图的结论(11. Relax Pose & Conclusion of Figure) 1. 15.1 放松姿势& 图的结论(1. 15.1 Relax Pose & Conclusion of Figure) 12. 下牙& 舌头(12. Bottom Teeth & Tongue) 1. 15.2 下牙& 舌部1(1...
9. 14.9 - 手部表面解剖学9(9. 14.9 - Surface Anatomy of Hand - Part 9) 11. 放松姿势& 图的结论(11. Relax Pose & Conclusion of Figure) 1. 15.1 放松姿势& 图的结论(1. 15.1 Relax Pose & Conclusion of Figure) 12. 下牙& 舌头(12. Bottom Teeth & Tongue) 1. 15.2 下牙& 舌部1(1...
9. 14.9 - 手部表面解剖学9(9. 14.9 - Surface Anatomy of Hand - Part 9) 11. 放松姿势& 图的结论(11. Relax Pose & Conclusion of Figure) 1. 15.1 放松姿势& 图的结论(1. 15.1 Relax Pose & Conclusion of Figure) 12. 下牙& 舌头(12. Bottom Teeth & Tongue) 1. 15.2 下牙& 舌部1(1...