I put this out there because of what I have been hearing from more bottom callers and ideologues. First, most of these bottom callers are people that were wrong in the past so their credibility is shot to...
gum 牙龈 knee 膝盖kneecap膝盖骨 lower leg 胫骨nostrils 鼻孔 palm 手掌 ribs 肋骨 scalp 头皮 shoulder 肩膀 thigh 大腿 waist/hip 腰wrist 手腕 相关表达 frown 皱眉 grin 露齿笑 suck 吮吸 wink 眨眼 wrinkle 皱纹 yawn 打哈欠 kneel 跪下 lean 斜倚 sound 声音 smell 嗅觉 taste 味觉 好啦,接下来就到今天...