Check out multiple examples of the bottom navigation component based on various styles, controls, sizes, content and leverage the utility classes from Tailwind CSS to integrate into your own project. Default bottom navigation # Use the default bottom navigation bar example to show a list of menu ...
import { StatusBar } from "expo-status-bar"; //Tailwind import { TailwindProvider } from 'tailwindcss-react-native'; import { TailwindProvider } from "tailwindcss-react-native"; //Navigator import { createBottomTabNavigator } from '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs'; import { createBottomTabNavig...
Enabled by default. Enables focus trapping of keyboard navigation, so you can't accidentally tab out of the bottom sheet and into the background. Also sets aria-hidden on the rest of the page to prevent Screen Readers from escaping as well....
Enabled by default. Enables focus trapping of keyboard navigation, so you can't accidentally tab out of the bottom sheet and into the background. Also setsaria-hiddenon the rest of the page to prevent Screen Readers from escaping as well. ... defaults.json next-env.d.ts package-lock.json package.json postcss.config.js release.config.js renovate.json tailwind.config.js tsconfig.declarations.json tsconfig.json tsconfig.microbundle.json vercel.json Repository files navigation README Code of conduct MIT licenserea...
Enabled by default. Enables focus trapping of keyboard navigation, so you can't accidentally tab out of the bottom sheet and into the background. Also sets aria-hidden on the rest of the page to prevent Screen Readers from escaping as well....
<BottomSheet // Allow the user to select between minimun height to avoid a scrollbar, and fullscren snapPoints={({ minHeight, maxHeight }) => [minHeight, maxHeight]} />defaultSnapType: number | (state) => numberProvide either a number, or a callback returning a number for the ...
<BottomSheet // Allow the user to select between minimun height to avoid a scrollbar, and fullscren snapPoints={({ minHeight, maxHeight }) => [minHeight, maxHeight]} />defaultSnapType: number | (state) => numberProvide either a number, or a callback returning a number for the ... LICENSE defaults.json next-env.d.ts package-lock.json package.json postcss.config.js release.config.js renovate.json tailwind.config.js tsconfig.declarations.json tsconfig.json tsconfig.microbundle.json vercel.json ...