An excellent plastic bottle specially designed for the rigors of feeding orphan lambs or goat kids. Update — March 2020The Lamb ‘N’ Kid Feeding Bottle has been discontinued.Please look to the Wide Mouth Lamb ‘N’ Kid Feeding Bottle as a replacement. The wide-mouth version uses the same...
the goat can be returned to regular feedings. Be sure that you know what caused the scours. If it was over feeding, cut back the amount you were giving so you don’t have a repeated situation.
someone abandoned him over the fence.The kid was(2) D nervous but stood perfectly still as I approached. I'm an animal (3) A and I've brought home dogs,cats,horses,chickens,and fish,but never a goat.The tiny kid was too(4) ...
How do I stop my goat who is feeding from a bottle from pushing on my leg? Community Answer The goat just wants to get at the bottle. They aren't trying to hurt you, but if you'd rather you could hold the goat in one arm and feed it with the other, get someone else to hold...