BOTOX® (onabotulinumtoxinA) is a prescription medicine that is injected into muscles and used to prevent headaches in adults with chronic migraine who have 15 or more days each month with headache lasting 4 or more hours each day in people 18 years and older. It is not known whether BOT...
Take a 7-second survey to let us know what you like and how we can improve. Let's go IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION & USE Warning: Problems breathing or swallowing, spread of toxin effects. BOTOX may cause serious side effects that can be life threatening. Get medical help right away if yo...
BOTOX® (onabotulinumtoxinA) is a prescription medicine that is injected into muscles and used to prevent headaches in adults with chronic migraine who have 15 or more days each month with headache lasting 4 or more hours each day in people 18 years and older. It is not known whether BOT...
英文名称:Botulinum Toxin Type A for Injection 商品名称:保妥适/BOTOX 【成分】 活性成分:A 型肉毒梭菌毒素,由生长在培养基的 A 型肉毒梭菌 Hall 株经发酵制备而得。 辅料:人血白蛋白和氯化钠 【性状】 本品为白色粉末。注射用生理盐水稀释后为无色至略显黄色的、不含杂质的澄明液体。 【适应症】 眼...
, Dysport (abobotulinumtoxinA), Xeomin (incobotulinumtoxinA), Jeuveau (prabotulinumtoxinA-xvfs), Daxxify (daxibotulinumtoxinA-lanm), or Letybo (letibotulinumtoxinA-wlbg); or have a skin infection at the planned injection site. This list may not include all available botulinum toxin products...
2004年7月20日,FDA批准保妥适---A型肉毒杆菌毒素(通用名:Botulinum Toxin Type A;商品名:Botox)用于治疗外用处方药止汗剂(antiperspirants)无法治疗的严重腋下出汗(severe underarm sweating),即所谓的“原发性腋窝多汗症”(primary axillary hyperhidrosis)。Botox已被批准用于其它几种目的。当天的批准使加州Irvine的Bo...
【3】 AmericanSociety of Health-System Pharmacists (October 27, 2011). "BotulinumToxin Type A". Retrieved 4 March 2015. 【4】 KernerJ (1820).Neue Beobachtungen über die in Württemberg so häufigvorfallenden tödlichen Vergiftungen durch den Genuss geräucherter Würst...
, Dysport (abobotulinumtoxinA), Xeomin (incobotulinumtoxinA), Jeuveau (prabotulinumtoxinA-xvfs), Daxxify (daxibotulinumtoxinA-lanm), or Letybo (letibotulinumtoxinA-wlbg); or have a skin infection at the planned injection site. This list may not include all available botulinum toxin products...
英文名称:Botulinum Toxin Type A for Injection 商品名称:保妥适/BOTOX 【成分】 活性成分:A型肉毒梭菌毒素,由生长在培养基的A型肉毒梭菌Hall株经发酵制备而得。 辅料:人血白蛋白和氯化钠 【性状】本品为白色干燥物。用生理盐水溶解后,呈无色至淡黄色或轻微乳色澄明液体,不得含有异物。