Botim for Windows PC is a versatile VOIP chat app that offers high-quality voice and video calls, group chat functionality, and secure encrypted communication. While it has a wide variety of functions found in competing products, its inclusion of a payment processing platform makes it much more...
1、打开botimapp,点击底部工具栏“我的”,切换至账户界面。 2、接着我们点击其中显示的“设置”按钮,进入到设置界面临APP举行设置。 3、再点击设置界面中的“平安”选项打开平安界面。 4、在此界面中我们就能看到底部的“销毁账号”按钮了,点击后可以设置销毁此账号的详细时间。 5、销毁时间是用户在这段时间内没...