One it is continuous both-there is the processing equipment on side to be arranged to allow mass production by handling both sides by continuously transferring large big small workpiece. One both-processing equipment for having side continuously includes that multiple transfer units (10) with multiple...
Also, a reminder, my blog has now moved to Posted by bussgang at 11:54 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) May 17, 2016 Growth vs. Profitability I have a new post on my newly designed blog: Growth vs. Profitability and Venture Returns. A reporter from BostInn...
Importantly, this shows that the two end modes on both sides are a single, coherent quantum state of the chain, since their energies on both ends of the chain are intertwined. As substantiated later, these states can be interpreted as PMMs with a residual MM coupling due to the finite ...
Type '<typeName>' must be a value type or a type argument constrained to 'Structure' in order to be used with 'Nullable' or nullable modifier '?' Type '<typename>' must define operator '<determinantoperator>' to be used in a '<shortcircuitoperator>' expression Type '<typename>' ...
This was really one of the biggest surprises for me. A game I hadn't touched much since its original release several years ago, but felt like it might be at home in this handheld format. With graphics settings on high, the game still ran smoothly, but there was a certain amount of co...
Self-attention models have a greater tendency to be fooled by images that are perturbed along contours or edges, and we found a reliable correlation between the presence of contour or edge perturbations and the preference for that adversarial image. An interesting topic for future research would ...
hotter heat pulses resulted in sustained inhibition of photosynthesis, primarily due to reduced PSII activity. However, cellular damage as indicated by increased membrane conductivity was not found below 50 °C. These data demonstrate that aspen is remarkably resistant to short-term heat pulses that ...
Indentation as a method to characterize materials has a history of more than 117 years. However, to date, it is still the most popular way to measure the mechanical properties of various materials at microscale and nanoscale. This review summarizes the b
(8-10x). As a result, founders need to be excellent fundraisers – painting a compelling and achievable SaaS vision. The goal is to persuade investors that, despite fintech being the primary short-term revenue source, the long-term business model envisages a significant portion of the ...
and this Pac-12 doozy will take us deep into Saturday evening. UCLA recovered from its Fresno State undoing with a win (and cover) over Stanford on Saturday. It wasn’t domination from the Bruins, but it was the kind of win as a short favorite to help get the season back ...