My heart in sharing Angelina’s story through writing is that it can bring HOPE to hurting hearts. You can read more about Angelina’s story here:Angelina’s Story. Working out during my grieving journey has really aided in my healing. It has served as such a healthy outlet and a way ...
Richard laughs and says “No, I want you to whine. Come on, little girl. Whine for me.” “Dadddddy. Nooo. I don’t want to whine.” He chortles. “That’s great. Good whining. C’mon. Whine some more.” And he wraps me up in his strong arms and holds me while I squeak ...
Real Life This is the reason some people prefer to use theGolden Mean Fallacywhen considering controversial topics like "Which political party really is worse for the country" or "Evolution vs. Creationism" and so on. It's also why political power can and frequently does swing back and forth...
When Westerners experience pain, they usually express their discomfort.Most Asians don’t.This creates a challenge for American nurses who care for Asian patients in the U.S.How do they know if that calm, quiet patient is really hurting? They have to keep asking their Asian patients how they...