FEBS Letters, 1990, vol. 268 (pg. 69- 71) Google Scholar Crossref PubMed WorldCat Jiang ZY Woollard ACS Wolff SP, Lipid hydroperoxide measurement by oxidation of Fe2+ in the presence of xylenol orange: comparison with the TBA assay and an iodometric method, Lipids, 1991, vol....
Values denoted by different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05) using the protected least significant difference (LSD) comparison method. Pollinator time on flowers (s, ± SE) FamilyNMale flowersNFemale flowers Apidae 34 2.37 (0.59) ac 15 2.29 (0.52) ac Halictidae 27 2.67 (0.46) ...
Another development in artificial photosynthesis was published earlier this year inNano Letters. It is the product of Peidong Yang and theKavli Energy NanoSciences Institute. While Nocera and his team stopped at the production of hydrogen gas, Yang’s lab added bacteria to the mix and were able ...
The values are means±SE from 3 replicates; Different lowercase letters in the same collumn indicate significant differences (P<0.05). 3.10 讨论 植物再生体系的建立主要依赖于调节细胞分裂素和生长素的比例, 以筛选出适宜愈伤组织 诱导及分化的激素组合(逯锦春等, 2022).添加外源激素实质上是重新调整植物...