Euodiae Fructus, referred to as “Wuzhuyu” in Chinese, has been used as local and traditional herbal medicines in many regions, especially in Ch
Some of the driest places in the world are in the deserts of South America. One of the greatest challenges for me in various ways as a botanist in particular and as a human in general entailed a single bus ride from La Paz, Bolivia starting early in the evening that ended in Arica, C...
In Biotechnology and Production of Anti-Cancer Compounds; Springer International Publishing: Cham, Switzerland, 2017; pp. 1–38. ISBN 9783319538808. [Google Scholar] Siahsar, B.; Rahimi, M.; Tavassoli, A.; Raissi, A. Application of biotechnology in production of medicinal plants. Am.-Euras....
UNASYLVA (an international journal of forestry and forest industries) 38:23–28. Google Scholar Jardin, C. 1967. List of foods used in Africa. Joint publications of Food Consumption and Planning Branch, Nutrition Div., FAO, Rome, and Nutrition Section, Off. of Int. Res., National ...