Since the late 1980s, articles have appeared in journals such asScientific American(Cox and Balick, 1994) andThe Economist(Anon, 1988), among others. Already by the 1990s, scientists also paid attention to the publication of the most popular books, which reached an unspecialized public, and wh...
Similar books exist for other regions across North America and elsewhere, so I encourage you to seek out a book that applies to your hometown. The Wasatch Front is a metropolitan region in north-central Utah that spans the western side of the Wasatch Mountains and includes a long string of ...
Euodiae Fructus has a long history as a traditional remedy and has been widely used Chinese medicine as recorded in the ancient herbal books and Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China (Editorial Committee of Chinese Pharmacopoeia, 2020). According to the history of TCM, Euodiae Fruct...
Lionni, L. 1977. Parallel Botany (Translated by P. Cre- agh). New York: Knopf.Lionni, Leo. 1977. Parallel Botany, trans. Patrick Creagh. NewYork: Alfred A. Knopf; Lionni, Leo. 1985. Theodore and the Talking Mush- room. In Frederick's Fables, pp.93-104. Pantheon Books....
there is bound to be a fair share of weeds. In spite of how hard the groundskeepers may work, the campus is not likely to ever be completely weed-free. Lucky for us, this means that institutions of higher learning are excellent places to familiarize ourselves with many of the weed specie...
Reference to Banlangen first appeared in the officially published books of traditional Chinese medicine in the Song dynasty (CE 960–1279), in which it was described as the root of Lan and having the same efficacy as the leaf. Banlangen became a kind of commonly used medicine in the Yuan ...
(Protection) Act. Forest types of India - Ecological and economic importance of forests, afforestation, deforestation and social forestry; Endangered plants, endemism, IUCN categories, Red Data Books; Biodiversity and its conservation; Protected Area Network; Convention on Biological Diversity; Farmers’...
Journals & Books Help Search My accountSign inOutline Highlights Abstract Graphical abstract Keywords 1. Introduction 2. Research methodology 3. Botany 4. Ethnopharmacology of the genus Senna 5. Recent update on bioactive metabolites of the genus Senna 6. Volatile oils 7. Progress of pharmacological...
《广西动植物生态学研究(第4集)》收录广西师范大学生命科学学院开展动植物生态学研究的近期成果。全书共分五篇,分别从种类与形态学特征、种群生态、分子生物学与遗传多样性、生理与化感作用、资源与开发利用等方面进行阐述。Related Books Related Papers (PDF Download free) China...
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