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Similar books exist for other regions across North America and elsewhere, so I encourage you to seek out a book that applies to your hometown. The Wasatch Front is a metropolitan region in north-central Utah that spans the western side of the Wasatch Mountains and includes a long string of ...
Since the late 1980s, articles have appeared in journals such asScientific American(Cox and Balick, 1994) andThe Economist(Anon, 1988), among others. Already by the 1990s, scientists also paid attention to the publication of the most popular books, which reached an unspecialized public, and wh...
As a student or ECR (defined as being within one year of award of your PhD degree) listed as the first author of any article type accepted, you will receive a voucher for free access to any Springer publication in eBook form (up to a maximum value of 250 Euros/US dollars, and maximum...
Lionni, L. 1977. Parallel Botany (Translated by P. Cre- agh). New York: Knopf.Lionni, Leo. 1977. Parallel Botany, trans. Patrick Creagh. NewYork: Alfred A. Knopf; Lionni, Leo. 1985. Theodore and the Talking Mush- room. In Frederick's Fables, pp.93-104. Pantheon Books....
Euodiae Fructus has a long history as a traditional remedy and has been widely used Chinese medicine as recorded in the ancient herbal books and Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China (Editorial Committee of Chinese Pharmacopoeia, 2020). According to the history of TCM, Euodiae Fruct...
), and falls largely short of producing any sort of phenotypical data (10th century Islamic cook books tell us a great deal about the ingredients used in oriental dishes, they do not tell us what those ingredients looked like). The third way, which is the approach highlighted in this ...
Reference to Banlangen first appeared in the officially published books of traditional Chinese medicine in the Song dynasty (CE 960–1279), in which it was described as the root of Lan and having the same efficacy as the leaf. Banlangen became a kind of commonly used medicine in the Yuan ...
I’ve always had a love affair for botanicals (even to go as far asrip it out of thrifted books); there’s an elegance to it, and it never fails to add warmth and to soften up a stark, rigid space like our living room has been lately. I tried to fight against it to try somet...
(Protection) Act. Forest types of India - Ecological and economic importance of forests, afforestation, deforestation and social forestry; Endangered plants, endemism, IUCN categories, Red Data Books; Biodiversity and its conservation; Protected Area Network; Convention on Biological Diversity; Farmers’...