Botany Bay: John Farrow द्वारा निर्देशित. Alan Ladd, James Mason, Patricia Medina, Cedric Hardwicke के साथ. 1787 अमेरिकी मेडिकल छात्र ह
14、BotanyBay ─── 植物湾(也称博特尼湾) 15、humanisticbotany─── 人文植物学 16、phylogeneticbotany─── 植物系统学 17、Tiller (botany) ─── 蒂勒(植物学) 18、economicbotany─── 经济植物学 19、BotanyBay fig ─── [网络] 植物湾无花果 botany 词性/词形变化,botany变形 名词复数:botanies...
1952. Google Scholar Warth, Albin H. The chemistry and technology of waxes. 1956. Youngken, H. W. A textbook of pharmacognosy. 1948. Letters from the following firms have given information on bayberry wax: a. International Wax Refining Company, Valley Stream, New York. b. D. Steengrafe...
1952. Borron, E. B. List of plants found near Moose in the years 1881 and 1882. In his Report .•• on that part of the basin of Hudson's Bay belonging to the province of Ontario. Toronto, "Grip", 1884. p. 75-78. © 2019 University of Toronto Press, Toronto ...
43 、They landed in a beautiful bay that cook named Botany Bay because of the beautiful plants that they found there.───他们在一个美丽的海湾登陆,库克把它命名为植物湾,因为他们在那儿发现了美丽的植物。 44 、He got a comfortable pass in botany.───他毫不费力地通过了动物学考试,可是植物学...
(1952) investigated silica content in Australian and New Zealand Poaceae and woody plants in terms of livestock nutrition and economic exploitation. Earth science researchers began noting the presence of phytoliths in various Australian soil contexts but mistakenly identified these as ‘sponge spicules’...
Phillip, A. The voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay. London, 1789. Pickering, C. Chronological history of plants. Boston, 1879. Planchon, L., and Juillet, A. Etude de quelques fécules coloniales. Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseille II. 7: 411–562. 1909. ...
Sano N, Takebayashi Y, To A, Mhiri C, Rajjou LC, Nakagami H, Kanekatsu M (2019). Shotgun proteomic analysis highlights the roles of long-lived mRNAs and de novo transcribed mRNAs in rice seeds upon imbibition. Plant Cell Physiol 60, 2584-2596. Sharma SN, Maheshwari A, Sharma C, ...
1847. Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia from Moreton Bay to Port Essington . . . during the Years 1844–1845. London. 544 p. Mountford, C. P. 1956. Expedition to the land of the Tiwi. Nat. Geographic109: 417–440. Google Scholar Tessier, H. S., Thouin, A., and ...
Bayla, A. M. Hybridization of eggplants. Philipp. Agr. and For.7: 66–71. 1918. Google Scholar Capinpin, J. M. and M. A. Alviar. Heterosis in eggplant. Phillipp. Agr.33: 126–141. 1949. Google Scholar Daskaloff, C. H. The study of heterosis in the eggplant and the possi...