Find the best Discord Music Bots for your Discord Server, including Maki to LunaBot 🌙 and more!
docker run -e"TOKEN=<discord-token>"eritislami/evobot 📝 Features & Commands 🎶 Play music from YouTube via url /play 🔎 Play music from YouTube via search query /play under the bridge red hot chili peppers ...
KannaChan, A Discord bot written in typescript using eris as library. discorderiseris-discorderis-discord-bot UpdatedJul 9, 2024 TypeScript zyrouge/eris-music-bot An Eris Music Bot with Fully Blown Queue System, Loop, Lyrics and Bassboost made with Classes!
“Rythm really proved there was this new way that people are listening to music,” says Zimet. “I wanted to see if I could create an experience that brings that to everyone and not just people on Discord.” SoundCloud,, and many others have tried to position themselves as ...
Music-bot by ZerioDev AtlantaBot by Androz2091 (outdated) Discord-Music by inhydrox (outdated) Advanced Smooth Volume Discord Player will by default try to implement this. If smooth volume does not work, you need to add this line at the top of your main file: // CJS require("discord...
FredBoat is a free Discord music bot that delivers high-quality music to your Discord server. The music bot is made to be easy plug in to your Discord server with no configuration. Setting up the bot FredBoat is made to be super simple to use! Getting FredBoat running on your server is...
Stream your current TAB sound to a TeamSpeak or Discord server with TS3MusicBot. Compatible with any music/media playing website. Multifunctional TS3MusicBot extension for your Edge browser. Features: - Compatible with any music/media playing website. - Add multiple TS3MusicBots to your...
《Discord Music Bot》是一款集成了Spotify、Soundcloud、YouTube等多个流行音乐平台的多功能音乐机器人。它不仅提供基础的音乐播放服务,还拥有包括随机播放、音量控制在内的多种高级功能。尤其值得一提的是,该Bot支持Slash Commands(斜杠命令)交互方式,极大提升了用户体验,使音乐播放控制变得更加简单直接。
In this guide, we’ll be explaining how you can make your own Discord music bot to play your favorite music to an entire server. As long as you follow this guide step by step, the whole process is generally very easy, and you’ll have a lot of control ov
(Image credit: Discord) Google is forcing Discord music bots offline, issuing a cease and desist notice to the makers of a second high-profile program in less than three weeks. According to The Verge, YouTube has sent a notice to the owners of Rythm, which allows Discord users to play...