Download Bot Framework Composer forWindows,MacorLinux. Build conversational AI experiences for your organization Azure Bot Service enables you to build intelligent, enterprise-grade bots with ownership and control of your data. Begin with a simple Q&A bot or build a sophisticated virtual assistant. ...
打开浏览器,直接搜索Bot Framework,进入官网,点击Documentation,进入如下页面。 把滚动条拉到页面最底下,点击Downloads,进入下载页面 然后我们需要下载的就是Visual Studio Template C# 和Bot Framework Emulator。 下载好Emulator后直接运行安装即可。 (注意要用管理员权限,不然可能会出现每次想打开Emulator都必须重新安装的...
You can use the Bot Framework Emulator to test bots running either locally on your machine or connect to bots running remotely through a tunnel. This repo is part the Microsoft Bot Framework - a comprehensive framework for building enterprise-grade conversational AI experiences. Download Download ...
Download Bot Framework Composer forWindows,MacorLinux. Build conversational AI experiences for your organization Azure Bot Service enables you to build intelligent, enterprise-grade bots with ownership and control of your data. Begin with a simple Q&A bot or build a sophisticated virtual assistant. ...
Download Bot Framework Composer forWindows,MacorLinux. Build conversational AI experiences for your organization Azure Bot Service enables you to build intelligent, enterprise-grade bots with ownership and control of your data. Begin with a simple Q&A bot or build a sophisticated virtual assistant. ... bot-framework-emulator: 4.8.1 机器人开发测试和调试 Bot Framework Emulator是一个桌面应用程序,使机器人开发人员可以测试和调试使用Bot Framework SDK构建的机器人。您可以使用Bot Framework仿真器来测试在计算机上本地运行的bot或通过隧道连接到远程运行的bot。 此仓库是Microsoft...
在《Bot Framework的简单实现》一文中已经实现了Bot Framework的简单应用,可以通过注册自己的了Bot实现与本地IIS下的服务交互。除了这种通过注册Bot的方式来测试外,我们还可以通过Bot Framework Enulator,即Bot模拟器来测试。Bot Framework Emulator的下载地址在这里,下载安装后启动,界面如下。
Bot Framework是一个桌面应用程序,允许bot开发者在本地主机上测试和调试他们的机器人,或者通过隧道远程运行。我们需要为本地和服务器测试下载Bot Framework模拟器。(下载地址: 成功下载后,请运行Bot Framework Emulator的exe文件。第一次这样做时,它会打开...
Bot Framework Emulator是一个桌面应用程序,使机器人开发人员可以测试和调试使用Bot Framework SDK构建的机器人。您可以使用Bot Framework仿真器来测试在计算机上本地运行的bot或通过隧道连接到远程运行的bot。 此仓库是Microsoft Bot Framework的一部分,该Bot Framework
Bot Framework Emulator is a desktop application that allows bot developers to test and debug bots, either locally or remotely. Using the Emulator, you can chat with your bot and inspect the messages that your bot sends and receives. The Emulator displays messages as they would appear in a web...