V2fly Official:https://t.me/v2fly_chat V2Fly #Off-Topic:https://t.me/joinchat/GhXX_0zQFLOkjy9z81eQqg v2rayN&G:https://t.me/v2rayN NobyDa Script:https://t.me/joinchat/JtzRlVY-WyJPDavvhKjrbw 老毛子 Padavan 固件自助交流群:https://t.me/pdcn2 老毛子 Padavan 固件 iOS 自助交...
But while Cartesian CNC bots are sturdy workhorses, and deltas are fly-weight racehorces, neither can really cut it when you want to go gigantic. In terms of simplicity and scale, nothing beats cable bots. Cable Bots Cable bots use wires or strings pulled by reel-mounted motors, with di...