Discord.JS is a powerful node.js module that allows you to interact with the Discord API very easily. It takes a much more object-oriented approach than most other libraries, making your bot's code significantly tidier and easier to comprehend. Here are 295 public repositories matching this ...
Discord.JS is a powerful node.js module that allows you to interact with the Discord API very easily. It takes a much more object-oriented approach than most other libraries, making your bot's code significantly tidier and easier to comprehend. ...
const{ContextMenuCommandBuilder,ApplicationCommandType}=require('discord.js');// DISCORD_EPOCH 是个常数, 指的是 2015 年的第一毫秒,是以毫秒为单位的 UNIX 时间戳constDISCORD_EPOCH=1420070400000;module.exports={data:newContextMenuCommandBuilder()// 设置外显名称.setName('User Information')// 设置上下文...
https://github.com/wtflmao/discord_bot_example/commit/21c5f65d81cedbce987a59dfe4c9db4251817d41#diff-b33acfdadb6c12912fe644066f8ef7e2852f86016539498309b0e2c08b3f5933 https://gitee.com/wtflmao/discord_bot_example/commit/21c5f65d81cedbce987a59dfe4c9db4251817d41#diff-b33acfdadb6c12912fe6...
Star History Install npm idiscord.js-selfbot-v14-ghlais Homepage github.com/Ghlais/ 3 Version 0.0.2 License GNU General Public License v3.0 Unpacked Size 1.68 MB Total Files 320 Last publish 7 months ago Collaborators Tryon RunKit Reportmalware...
import { postBotStats } from "discordbotlist"; postBotStats(DBL_API_TOKEN, DISCORD_BOT_ID, { guilds: 100, users: 1000, });Readme Keywords discord discord bots discord bot list dbl webhooks vote rewardsPackage Sidebar Install npm i discordbotlist Repository github.com/discordbots/discordbot...
无法读取未定义discord.js的属性“”get“” 、、、 我一直在尝试使用channelId向服务器中的特定文本通道发送消息,但最终收到了错误消息: TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined<anonymous> 在使用时 const channel =bot.channels.cache.get('711580200315650078'); 下面是我的完整代码: require('doten...
我们将会使用: Node.js TypeScript Discord.js,Discord API的包装器 InversifyJS,一个依赖注入框架测试库:Mocha,Chai和ts-mockito...将你的 Discord Bot 添加到你的服务器为了测试我们的机器人,需要一台Discord服务器。你可以使用现...
An introduction to building a Discord bot using the Discord.js module. The bot will share random jokes, assign or revoke user roles, and post tweets of a specific account to a Discord channel. In this article, Subha Chanda will showu you how to build a b
克隆回购git clone https://github.com/ItzRock/BotBaseV2.git 安装NPM 包npm install 关于存储库 (目录)执行您期望命令文件夹执行的操作; 存储所有命令文件/函数 事件(目录)存储要在该特定事件上使用的 discord.js 事件处理程序(文件名) 参考(目录)存储某些功能的参考。 handlers (Directory) 包括加载器、函数、...