脑瘫BOT-2粗大运动功能评定表(Gross Motor Function Measure-88, BOT-2 GMFM-88)是一种评估脑瘫患者粗大运动功能的工具。该评定表由88个项目组成,用于评估患者在不同运动任务中的能力和表现。 目的 评定脑瘫患者的粗大运动功能,包括站立、行走、爬行、平衡、投掷等方面的能力。通过BOT-2 GMFM-88的评定,医务人员可...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012).National Youth Fitness Survey Nyfs Test of Gross Motor Development Tgmd-2. America: Createspace 第1页第2页
Get the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency™ 2nd Edition assessment (BOT-2), delivering precise measurement of fine & gross motor skills from Pearson.
Gross motor skillsfine motor skillsadolescentsoccupational therapyphysical therapyinstrument validityThe purposes of the current study were (1) to determine the magnitude of association between individual subtest items and the respective total subtest scores on the four subtests in the Bruininks-Oseretsky...
Functions. The principal functions of the stomach are the deposit of food, its mechanical and chemical processing, and its evacuation into the intestine. The mechanical processing and evacuation of food are the result of the motor activity of the stomach; the chemical processing is carried out pre...
(test of gross motor development-second edition, 发育熟练度存在显著差异,其动作发展显著延迟.此外, TGMD-2).PDMS-2 在评估儿童粗大动作和精细动作的 在上肢协调,肢体双侧协调,平衡,力量等分测试得分上 发展水平,制定康复训练计划以及检验运动干预效果等方 有明显的性别差异,男生得分显著高于女生(Pitetti et al....
《Gross motor proficiency deficits among children and adolescents post posterior fossa brain tumor removal vs. traumatic brain injury in the chronic phase of recovery: a cross-sectional study》 Pediatr Phys Ther. 2024 Apr 1;36(2):256-264. doi: 10.1097/PEP.0000000000001091. Epub 2024 Mar 29...
Gross Motor指的是大运动技能,是个体利用身体大肌肉群完成的一系列动作技能,如跑步、跳跃、攀爬、投掷等,关乎个体的身体活动能力,与日常生活、学习及社交活动紧密相连。 Gross Motor(大运动)技能全面解析 'Gross Motor'的定义 Gross Motor Skills,即大运动技能,是指个体运用身体的大肌肉群,...
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