More programs from the university Bachelor Master MBA PHD One of the largest private universities in the country, Boston University educates approximately 16,000 undergraduate students each year. Nearly 3,900 faculty members teach in 250 programs of study at 17 schools and colleges. In 2018, U...
University of Massachusetts--Boston is a public school. The College of Nursing & Health Sciences has an application fee of $75 for U.S. residents. Tuition for the PHD program at University of Massachusetts--Boston is Full-time: $18,894 per year (in-state) and $36,879 per year (out-...
Application deadline (PhD) 12/15 Director of admissions Applicants (master's) Programs and Specialties Best Engineering Schools Biomedical Engineering / Bioengineering Computer Engineering Electrical / Electronic / Communications Engineering Industrial / Manufacturing / Systems Engineering ...
波士顿大学 Boston University院校类型: 全国性大学 院校性质: 公立,男女合校 建校时间: 1839年 学位课程: 本科课程;语言课程;研究生课程 地理位置: 美国-马萨诸塞州 学校特色: 美国大学协会 立即预约 详情展示 波士顿大学(Boston University,缩写BU)是一所大型私立综合性全国大学,成立于1839年,位于美国...
Corrine+Maggie:Boston University(BU)位于美国东北部麻州的波士顿。波士顿是美国著名的大学城,有Havard(哈佛),MIT,Tufts(塔夫茨大学),Brandies(布兰迪斯大学)和Boston College(波士顿学院)。所以这座城市的学习氛围非常浓厚,教育资源也非常丰富。 BU一直被大家称为城市中一个没有校园的学校,但跟NYU不同的是,大多数的...
波士顿大学(Boston University ,简称BU)是美国最大的非营利性质的独立大学之一。学校的学生活动十分丰富多彩,有近500个学生俱乐部,无论是滑雪竞赛还是杂耍协会,只要学生感兴趣都可以参加。波士顿大学是第一批设立海外学习项目的大学之一,如今已经资助了超过90个的国际项目。波士顿大学现在共设有17个学院,其中研究生院排名...
A scholarship application checklist More programs from the university Bachelor Master MBA PHD One of the largest private universities in the country, Boston University educates approximately 16,000 undergraduate students each year. Nearly 3,900 faculty members teach in 250 programs of study at 17 scho...
Boston College is a Jesuit Research University (R1). For more information on graduate admission application, please see ourdepartment website.For more information on our recent research and publication, please visitGoogle Scholar.
Third year student, Devlin Moyer attended the 2021 Metabolic Pathway Analysis University of Tennessee, Knoxville • August 2-6, 2021 The... May 14, 20211 min read Congratulations 2021 Graduates! PhD 2020-21 Zhe Wang Ke Xu Marzie Rasekh Tyler Faits Alan Pacheco David Bray Sebastian Carrasco Pr...