University of Massachusetts at Boston Graduate College of Education Department of Counseling and School PsychologyThis course is designed to provide students with information relevant to the diagnosis, etiology, and treatment of mental illness. Throughout the course you will be asked to reflect on and...
Graduate Schools Global Universities Unlock U.S. News Grad Compass Access all of the Business, Law, Nursing and Education School data for Boston College.Learn More Graduate School Advice Applying to Grad School Learn how to find the right school and apply to competitive programs. Paying for Gra...
The most popular majors at Boston University include: Social Sciences; Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Engineering; Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services; Psychology; Health ...
BU Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 学院官网 学院项目 MA, Economic Policy 基本信息 学分 暂无 项目时长 暂无 学费估算 暂无 GMAT Code 暂无 托福/GRE Code 暂无 申请截止日期 秋季 常规 2–3 months before application deadline 申请信息 项目官网查看该项目详情 ...
波士顿大学(Boston University)位于麻州波士顿市,是一所非属宗派的私立大学。它在1839年建立于佛蒙特州时,是一所卫理公会的神学院,1847年迁移到新罕布夏州的协和市,1867年又迁到麻州布鲁克兰,最后由1939年至1948年间迁移至现今沿著查尔士河畔的校区。 波士顿大学,历史悠久,是全美第二大私立大学,有15个学院。全校约...
波士顿是一座富有人文气息的历史古城,她美丽端庄却又俏皮活泼,这里没有过多高耸的摩天大楼,相比纽约的繁华喧嚣我更喜欢波士顿安静内敛的气质;并且波士顿是有名的大学城,名气响当当的哈佛和MIT与BU隔Charles River相望,downtown和郊区还有诸如Berkley Music School,Tufts,Northeastern University,Boston College等诸多高等学府,...
Boston University is located in the heart of what many view as the world’s greatest university city. With nearly 35,000 undergraduate and graduate students from more than 130 countries, it is one of the largest universities in the greater Boston area, which is home to more than 100 higher...
K-12 Colleges Graduate Schools Places to Live Do you work for a school or college? Claim Your School Colleges Boston College Columbia University Cornell University Drexel University Full Sail University Harvard University James Madison Liberty University New York University Northeastern University Rutgers ...
BC began as an undergraduate liberal artscollege, but as its aspirations grew, it added graduate programs andprofessional schools fulfilling its charter as a university. Through the decades, Boston College hasbecome an internationally respected researc...
首先先要声明的是Boston College和Boston University是不同的学校,因为很多人会混淆BC和BU。Boston College虽然叫“College”,但是并不是文理学院,而是一所大学。BC和BU是完全不同的学校,没有任何关联。 从学校的排名来讲,Boston College去年在US News的排名是大概在30名上下,因为这所学校本科教育虽然强,但是研究生...