首先要声明的是波士顿学院(Boston College)和波士顿大学(Boston University)是不同的学校,因为很多人会混淆BC和BU。 Boston College虽然叫“College”,但是并不是文理学院,而是一所大学。 从学校的排名来讲,Boston College 2016年在U.S. News的排名是30名左右,因为这所学校本科教育虽然强,但是研究生教育稍微弱一点,...
首先要声明的是波士顿学院(Boston College)和波士顿大学(Boston University)是不同的学校,因为很多人...
Boston University (BU) is a private research university located in Boston, Massachusetts. The university is affiliated with the United Methodist Church, but describes itself as nonsectarian. With more than 4,000 faculty members and more than 31,000 students, Boston University is one of the larges...
波士顿大学(Boston University),简称BU,创办于1839年,是历史悠久的世界顶尖研究型大学,同时也是全美第三大私立大学,其主校区位于波士顿市中心查尔斯河河畔,与哈佛大学、麻省理工学院隔河相对,医学院校区则设在波士顿市区南边的长木医学区。 想要出国访问学习的小伙伴看过来啦,波士顿大学生物学、生物医学工程、计算生物学、...
a city famous for its history and beauty. Learning English in Boston offers all the advantages of city life without the overwhelming pace found in New York or Los Angeles. Boston is home to the famous Red Sox baseball team and the prestigious Harvard University, making it an exciting place ...
Samford University Birmingham, AL Spring Hill College Mobile, AL St. Aloysius School Bessemer, AL St. Jud of the Sea Lutheran Church Gulf Shores, AL St. Luke's Episcopal Birmingham, AL The Fellowship Birmingham, AL Trinity United Methodist Church Birmingham, AL Troy University Troy, AL Universit...
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麻省大学波士顿分校(University of Massachusetts Boston,简称 UMass Boston)是波士顿市的公立研究型大学,学生在我校一流学者的指导下进行探索并创新。我校提供创新的、跨学科的课程,以适应不断变化的全球经济需求。为满足不同学生群体的需求,我们实行小班授课,和蔼
358-8162 admissions email adsadmissions@bu.edu application website website program website website admissions website website boston university academics distinguishing characteristics graduate program(s) ms in applied business analytics ms in enterprise risk management ms in financial management ms in ...