波士顿大学(Boston University)由于其绝佳的地理位置,较高的国内知名度,以及相对宽松的录取条件,历年来都是美本申请的大户。疫情之下,波士顿大学也率先宣布采用了test-optional的政策。在上个申请季,波士顿大学的申请人数也和全美其它名校一样出现了井喷式的增长。 波士顿大学共计收到了75,733份申请,与去年相比增加了24...
Class of 2026 Admission Rates Friday, November 18, 2022 Students navigating the college admissions process continue to experience unique challenges and changes, including the announcement of an entirely digital SAT, continued test-optional policies, increasing application numbers, and more students applying...
波士顿大学(Boston University)由于其绝佳的地理位置,在国内较高的知名度,以及相对宽松的录取条件,历年来都是美本申请的大户。据大学最新公布的数据,共计有78,750人向该校递交了Class of 2028本科新生申请,虽然比去年稍微下降了2%,但是依旧是申请的大热门校。 根据大学公布的Class of 2028申请人的大数据,申请人的平...
The core of this plan is comprised of fivestrategic priorities and a vision statement. With this high-level visionestablished, we spent the 2020–2021 academic year developing detailedimplementation plans for a series of key University-wide initi...
我现在(2021.3)是完全online的,但如果你要in person上课的话需要每三天去做一次covid test,结果会...
Corrine+Maggie:Boston University(BU)位于美国东北部麻州的波士顿。波士顿是美国著名的大学城,有Havard(哈佛),MIT,Tufts(塔夫茨大学),Brandies(布兰迪斯大学)和Boston College(波士顿学院)。所以这座城市的学习氛围非常浓厚,教育资源也非常丰富。 BU一直被大家称为城市中一个没有校园的学校,但跟NYU不同的是,大多数的...
【波士顿大学——最新..【波士顿大学——最新名校留学资讯】波士顿大学(Boston University),简称BU,2021qs排名10。创办于1839年,是历史悠久的世界顶尖研究型大学,同时也是全美第三大私立大学,其主校
University of Massachusetts--Boston is a public institution. Ninety-two percent of students are already employed when they first enroll, and University of Massachusetts--Boston does not require applicants to have taken the GRE exam. The application deadline for online education degree programs at Uni...
The student to faculty ratio at University of Massachusetts - Boston is about average at 15 to 1.This ratio is often used to gauge how many students might be in an average class and how much time professors will have to spend with their students on an individual level. The national average...
It is a private research university known as “The Heights” to its students and staff, owing to its location perched in the village of Chestnut Hill in Massachusetts. Boston College has some of the earliest examples of collegiate gothic architecture in North America, and has expanded since its...