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Find Your Ideal Major, College or Career Discover the perfect major for you based on your innate wiring. The Innate Assessment sets you up for success by pairing you with majors, colleges and careers that fit your unique skills and abilities. Take the Assessment Boston University Majors Ten Mos...
business school overview the questrom school of business at boston university (questrom) offers these departments and concentrations: accounting, business analytics, entrepreneurship, ethics, finance, general management, health care administration, leadership, marketing, management information systems, not-for-...
经验之谈,当时有对CS有一些兴趣,所以报了CS101,结果后来发现人101根本不是major requirement,就白白...
应该从这个校长说起。Robert Brown,九十年代到2005年是MIT的教务长,来到BU成为校长。首先一个重要贡献...
Boston University 波士顿大学 Boston University is no small operation.With over 33,500 students from more than 130 countries, over 10,000 faculty andstaff, 17 schools and colleges and the Faculty of Computing& Data Sciences, and more than 300...
经验之谈,当时有对CS有一些兴趣,所以报了CS101,结果后来发现人101根本不是major requirement,就白白浪费了一个学期呜呜。如果是有专业进来的朋友,最好也多和advisor聊聊。一方面是advisor真的很有用!另一方面advisor本身也是BU的professor,ta们也会上课,如果你和advisor处得好,日后如果要申请研究生什么的可以找ta们要...
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rankings more from bu colleges graduate schools online programs global universities unlock u.s. news grad compass access all of the business, law, medicine, engineering and education school data for boston university. learn more graduate school advice applying to grad school learn how to find the ...