All Boston charter public schools will hold an enrollment lottery on March 6, 2025 with a snow date of March 7, 2025. A few schools are still accepting applications for the current school year (2024-2025). If you are interested, you should use this application to apply for any available ...
It analyzes data provided by the Boston Public Schools and the Massachusetts School Building Authority to determine what factors are most closely correlated with popular schools in Boston's public school lottery. The report finds that parents favor closer schools and schools with higher levels of ...
students in the AWC are white and Asian, despite the district being 80 percent black and Hispanic. Acceptance to the program is (was) decided via third-grade test scores on the popular TerraNova standardized test. Those who obtain the necessary scores are then put into a lottery for...
We also evaluate a related alternative, Boston's pilot schools. Pilot schools have some of the independence of charter schools, but operate within the Boston Public School district and are covered by some collective bargaining provisions. Lottery estimates show large and significant score gains for ...
Pilot schools have some of the independence of charter schools, but operate within the Boston Public School district and are covered by some collective bargaining provisions. Lottery estimates show large and significant score gains for charter students in middle and high school. In contrast, lottery...
An independent report conducted after Brockton school and city officials discovered a surprise $18 million budget deficit in the school district's 2023 fiscal year has just been made public. Sep 10, 2024 Siblings both win $25,000 for life lottery prize in Mass. ...
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Under Massachusetts law, minors under age 18 are not allowed to purchase lottery tickets. But that hasn’t stopped them from actually playing lottery games — thanks to lax monitoring and enforcement practices at locations with self-serve instant ticket
The report concludes that Boston charters and Boston Public Schools enroll similar numbers of both special populations and that charter attendance has a positive statistically significant effect for those who enter Boston's charter school lottery and then enroll after being offered a seat. This review...
Strategy-proofness is an important property to have,but that property alone would not be su,cient.For instance,a pure lottery assignment is also strategy-proof for a trivial reason but would not be considered desirable.The DA scores well on the welfare ground as well, so long as schools hav...