Boston Dynamics is creating practical robotics to tackle your toughest automation challenges and change your idea of what robots can do.
Boston Dynamics is creating practical robotics to tackle your toughest automation challenges and change your idea of what robots can do.
Boston Dynamics is creating practical robotics to tackle your toughest automation challenges and change your idea of what robots can do.
波士顿动力公司推出首个仓库搬运机器人,每小时搬运800个箱子The American roboties company Boston Dynamies is known for YouTube videos of its dog-like "Spot" and humanoid(类人型的)"Atlas" robots. It recently made public a new robot called Stretch. It is designed to do only one job: to move...
Boston Dynamics robots are used to automate work in wide variety of industries. Spot is a powerful industrial inspection robot, while Stretch automates case handling in warehouses. Our robots tackle dull, dirty, and dangerous tasks—making operations more efficient and keeping people out of harm’...
一、阅读理解主题语境主题群体裁难 度词 数建议用时评 价人与社会科学与技术应用文★★2256分钟The American robotics company Boston Dynamics recently made public a new robot called Stretch. It is designed to do only one job: to move containers, or boxes, in large storage buildings called warehouses...
by Boston Dynamics on YouTube The Waltham company announced two other new features as well - Spot Enterprise and Scout. Spot Enterprise is a new self-charging version of the robot, which can perform longer inspections and then return to its dock to charge itself. The company said it upgrade...
Boston Dynamics declared its dog-like Spot robot ready for the workplace in 2020, and its latest gig is at Michelin.
The robot is capable of performing many different tasks but some favorite tasks are running, jumping and turn-over movements. Its advanced AI systems make it capable of seeing barriers and negotiating diverse terrains.Created by: Boston Dynamics (United States)Spot Spot is an animal robot, or ...
Is Spot worth its price? Boston Dynamics’ Spot robot in a mine shaft Spot is expensive. The Explorer model costs $74,500. The Enterprise model, which is more suited for industrial settings,is more expensive, though the price is not listed on the company’s website. When us...