There are a lot of videos of scary robots floating around the Internet, but most of those creepy robots are still in the early testing stages. Then, there are the fully functional robots showcased on the Boston Dynamics YouTube channel. If you haven’t heard of them yet, Boston... one of the biggest obstacles holding robots back has been their limited perception. we humans enjoy a rich constellation of senses that help us navigate our surroundings. robots need the same, lest they destroy themselves. go to pick up ...
Boston Dynamics is a cutting-edge robotics company that's spent decades behind closed doors making robots that move in ways we've only seen in science fiction films. They occasionally release videos on YouTube of their life-like machines spinning, somersaulting or sprinting, which are greeted wi...
YouTube Spot is aminiaturized versionof one of Boston Dynamics' other robots, BigDog. Spot is a 160-pound quadruped robot that is equipped with an advanced sensor on its head, which helps it easily navigate both indoor and outdoor environments. It is able to handle hills, stairs...
After 11 years, Boston Dynamics has said goodbye to its humanoid robot Atlas — but only the hydraulic version. In avideo posted on YouTube, the robotics company says it’s time for Atlas to “kick back and relax” in retirement, letting the newall-electric Atlas take the reins. ...
In recent years, Boston Dynamics has become known for two things. One, creating robots whose movements mimic (模仿) humans and animals. Many find their accuracy surprising and concerning. The second reason is posting mysterious videos of these robots online without warning. The videos quickly go ...
Title:Re: Boston Dynamics new Atlas Robot. Post by:globoyonApril 17, 2024, 09:18:08 pm It's supposed to be pretty strong too (according to an IEEE article). On one hand it looks pretty amazing. It may not look quite as polished as some of the other humanoid robots but BD has his...
In a new viral video, two Boston Dynamics robots perform parkour maneuvers. Backflips are cool as hell, but they're just the means to a research end.
TMTPOST -- Marc Raibert, the founder of Boston Dynamics, has confirmed his participation in the 2024 T-EDGE Conference in Beijing on December 6-7. He will deliver a speech titled the Future of Dynamic Intelligent Robots, marking his first time in China explaining his vision for the robotics...
波士顿动力公司推出首个仓库搬运机器人,每小时搬运800个箱子The American roboties company Boston Dynamies is known for YouTube videos of its dog-like "Spot" and humanoid(类人型的)"Atlas" robots. It recently made public a new robot called Stretch. It is designed to do only one job: to move...