Spot is changing how organizations monitor and operate their sites. Improve team safety and efficiency with agile mobile robot solutions from Boston Dynamics.
Spot is changing how organizations monitor and operate their sites. Improve team safety and efficiency with agile mobile robot solutions from Boston Dynamics.
【双语】波士顿动力Spot机器狗是如何运作的-How Boston Dynamics' Spot Robot Works! 674 -- 5:46 App 【波士顿动力】Spot机械狗上手测试 7321 29 15:10 App 看我花52万买了只狗---智能机器狗Spot最详细测评 2543 48 19:53 App 【Adam Savage’s Tested】大佬带你玩——波士顿动力机械狗“Spot Robot”...
Boston Dynamics declared its dog-like Spot robot ready for the workplace in 2020, and its latest gig is at Michelin.
Boston Dynamics is creating practical robotics to tackle your toughest automation challenges and change your idea of what robots can do.
总而言之,Spot 既能卖萌耍酷,又能堪当特殊任务,可谓上得了厅堂,下得了工地,除了价格有点贵这个硬伤,你看好它的商业化前景么? -End-
Boston Dynamics is creating practical robotics to tackle your toughest automation challenges and change your idea of what robots can do.
波士顿动力公司(boston dynamics)将允许租借其著名的机器人spot。 Spot can walk at 3 miles per hour and has an average runtime of 90 minutes. When the battery runs dry, operators can swap in a new battery to get the robot up and running again immediately. It can even operate outside in te...
作为Bosten Dynamics最小的机器人,Spot在速度上超过了它的兄弟LS3 rough-terrain robot,但这么小的身躯肯定不能像BigDog一样扛那么多东西。不过它也不是面向运输的,它可能会用于搜寻,救援,寻路,深入危险地区和运送重要物资。