Roasted Beef Sandwich把一个小小的三明治做到了极致,牛肉软嫩弹牙,外层酥脆,烤的恰到好处,跟炸过的洋葱圈和山葵美乃滋一口咬下,让人无法忘怀。Boston Cream Pie是好多人最爱的糕点,甜而不腻,配上一杯咖啡,是完美下午茶的不二之选。 Bakery, Coffee & Tea, Sandwich 12 Farnsworth St,Boston, MA 02110 (617...
Van Leeuwen Ice Cream 55 Boylston St, Chestnut Hill | (718) 701-1630 计划在波士顿连开三个店的Van Leeuwen冰淇淋,上周在Chestnut Hill首发。这间来自纽约的超人气冰淇淋店,成立于2008年,现在已经遍布全美7个州超过50家店铺,人气可见一斑。 特色风味: Honeycomb 蜂蜜 Earl Grey Tea 伯爵 Boston Cream Pie ...
Roasted Venison Loin 红酒牛排 Buttermilk Ice Cream Sundae 炖梨圣代 Somenya 23 Hudson St, Boston, MA 02111 | (617) 993-3368 如果你也喜欢健康低脂的荞麦面,那么这家波士顿中国城新开业的日式荞麦面馆你一定要来试试。招牌荞麦面分为热汤面和鲜冷面两种吃法,满足一切喜好。 特色餐品: Roasted Duck Soba ...
Kluft, David
如果您想尝试当地的冰淇淋,可以去Boston Ice Cream Factory或Lambert's Rainbow Fruit。此外,还有Pizano Pizza、Freeport Tavern、Puritan Restaurant、Riddick's House of Pizza和D'Angelo等餐厅供您选择。无论您喜欢什么口味,这些餐厅都能满足您的味蕾。 附近购物地标...
. 1. Ice cream, 2. Water fights, 3. Staying up past your bedtime and being allowed to watch TV, 4. The color yellow, 6. Rollercoasters, 7. People falling over Since its Edinburgh fringe debut 10 years ago this play has been performed in 63 countries in around 400 professional ...
Mom simmered some into a syrup, and I swirled some into ice cream. I dropped a tiny strawberry into the point of each cone (to seal the bottom.) The result? The last bite of ice cream cone includes a vanilla cream soaked berry. Amazing. It takes a lot of currants to make not-so...
如果您喜欢冰淇淋,Bedford Farms Ice Cream绝对是您的首选。Chili's Grill & Bar提供美味的烤肉和酒水,而Pastificio La Masseria则是一家经典的意大利餐厅。如果您想要品尝披萨,Pizza Mia是您的不二选择。Potbelly Sandwich Works提供各种美味的三明治,而Capital Grille - Burlington则是一家高档餐厅,提供精致的美食。
如果你在Brookline吃过这间可爱的冰淇淋店Jamie’s Ice Cream Co.,那么他们的姊妹店Brothers & Sisters Co.也很值得一探。从手冲、意式浓缩,再到司康、马芬蛋糕、沙…
I am always in the mood for ice cream. This was pretty close to my hotel, so I came over one night and got a dish with peanut butter cookie dough, mint cookies and cream and cookie cake batter. Excellent ice cream and lots of unusual flavors to try. ...