variants or less commonly Boston Butt plural Boston butts also Boston Butts : a marbled upper cut of the pork shoulder : butt sense 2b The Boston butt is the cut of choice for pulled-pork sandwiches. Angela Shelf MedearisExamples of Boston butt in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web...
Mainly because you won’t be focused on how you’re freezing your butt off. Ever heard that saying, “there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing?” In addition to keeping you warm as you explore, weatherproof clothing is especially important if you’re going to do outdoor...
Near th is stood the d emolished prebendal Church of Te yD n s, h om gate. From thi s poin t he can make S t. his w ay along the Waterside into the Hi gh-street. R Meturning to th e Highs treet — this porti on of w h ich w as an ciently called icklegate,— w ...
Dollars and cents were something that I never factored into my work product, because you take that to a lower level and say we’ll never prosecute this here because of a murder, so therefore I’m not really going to bust my butt here. It’s a tough message to put out there, although...
Alessandro Butt! now, writing from St. Mrs. Richmond spoke on Sunday last to a large and highly appreciative audieucc atNe- sliaminy Falls Grove, winning golden opinions from all who lieard her. As we go to press she is again speaking at the same place.—Mind and Matter, August 13th....