Welcome to the Tower Heroes Wiki! Tower Heroes is a tower defense game on ROBLOX made by Pixel-Bit Studio. Here you can learn about the heroes in the game, events, codes, maps, and more! In order to edit pages you must create account and wait for at least 4 days. Make sure to re...
《Super Rolling Heroes Deluxe》Demo试玩16分钟,被画风骗进来的,实际玩着一般 Seraph.As 120 0 《开炮吧方舟 - 序章》试玩18分钟 Seraph.As 332 0 《恶意不息》系列体验8:终于打过了第一个Boss,准备进城 Seraph.As 155 0 《满头大汗了吧,击球手!》这游戏硬控我一个多小时!之前玩过Demo,现在转正了 ...
Astranyx the Dark Fae Astranyx is the ultimate Sorceress Supreme in Teleria. She has mastered the art of ethereal cloning taking copies of your champions and turning them against you. These mirror copies are exact replica’s of your heroes meaning the more powerful your team, the more powerful...
The game takes place in a Tower that reaches the sky, and every 10 floors is a major boss fight, and these bosses have a special coherent theme among them. I was thinking something like Tarot Cards or Seven Deadly Sins... but... Mattaroni Thread Apr 12, 2024 bosses theming Replies:...
Scrap Tower Screamer Sea Dragon Sea Satan Shabti Sherpa Shoe & Karn Shooting Ray Silence Siren Six-Armed Machine Slug Defender Slug Digger Slug Rising Slug Square Slugs Sol Dae Rokker Sphinx Spider-Bot (Metal Slug 3D) Spider-Bot (Metal Slug Fighters) Steel Conga ...
Even though it has only recently been released, it is quite obvious that Defense Derby is quite unlike any other tower defence that came before it. Even veterans could use a few pointers in this unfamiliar terrain, so take what you have learnt above and continue your journey to Castle Connoi...
Skyrim has many legendary heroes. However, one of the most famous was Red Eagle, hero of The Reach. The Dragonborn can find several novels regaling his triumphs. Red Eagle's final resting place can be found in Rebel's Cairn. A player will only be given a quest to go there if they ...
Forsaken Bastion's Fall (FBF) is a map that combines Tower Defense gameplay with an AoS-like Hero PvP Battle. Our project started in 2008, when it was known as Defense of the Undead (DotU). As time went on, ideas, criticizing, and suggestions reshaped DotU into a whole new map ...
Timeworn Remnants 20 - Central Tower Basement 2 Ruptured Times Minibosses[] These are mobs that have slightly more HP than regular mobs, and are usually found at the end of caves guarding a Loot Chest, or occasionally spawn in Grind Spots. Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Element...
Forsaken Bastion's Fall (FBF) is a map that combines Tower Defense gameplay with an AoS-like Hero PvP Battle. Our project started in 2008, when it was known as Defense of the Undead (DotU). As time went on, ideas, criticizing, and suggestions reshaped DotU into a whole new map ...