Dark Souls Wiki»Weapons» Boss Soul Items Weapons that require aBoss soulto ascend ImageUpgraded Weapon NameSoul RequiredWeapon Required Abyss GreatswordSoul of ArtoriasDaggers,StraightswordsorGreatswords Chaos BladeSoul of QuelaagKatanas Crystal Ring ShieldSoul of The Moonlight ButterflyShields ...
Find out the location of all Dark Souls Souls and learn how to make Boss Weapons from some of these unique items from the game Souls are the currency of Dark Souls and you will need a lot of souls for the aforementioned tasks. You also need to understand the Dark Souls soul values. Bu...
The boss arena has many skeleton enemies which respawn after you defeat them. Grinding your way through the skeletons and attacking Nito may seem effective, but it leaves you open to attack by the skeletons when they reform. Another way is to upgrade one of your weapons, or discover one, w...
Overall,Bloodborne's base game bosses aren't very demanding. With the use of trick weapons and parry, most threats can be dispatched with little trouble. The only exception to this statement isEbrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos, which causes me indescribable tension thanks to her dark design a...
Austin: Artorias of the Abyss reads like a Dark Souls boss. He's a tragic figure both emblematic of and integral to the overarching story of the Abyss DLC, and he's characterized through NPC dialogue and descriptions embedded in weapons and armor. You don't want to kill him, but he's...
campaign run really challenging. Cautious players will want to revisit areas that have already been cleared, whilst others will want to skip ahead. Souls can be spent on upgrades to basic stats that unlock new and often powerful weapons for use — and these can really turn the tide of ...
because the only bosses in GTA games that are ACTUALLY bosses are Big Smoke and Armando Mendez, he have health bars and unique weapons, why can't all GTA bosses be like this? and ironically, the final bosses are the worst bosses in the whole series, imagine being a villain which has ca...
Only boss fights, only hardcore! Features: - Souls-like style combat system - 20 unique bosses - 6 types of weapons and 6 types of items to choose from - Easy difficulty option for beginners Published by Sometimes You Developed by
Elden Ring: Best weapons - Elden Ring: Godslayer's Greatsword - Elden Ring: Dark Moon Greatsword - Elden Ring: Sword of Night and Flame - Elden Ring: Marais Executioner's Sword - Elden Ring: Ruins Greatsword - Elden Ring: Golden Order Greatsword - Elden Ring: Bolt of Gransax - Elden ...
The Elden Ring Garden of Eyes Mod is among the biggest mods ever made for the open-world action RPG developed by FromSoftware, introducing tons of new content such as 30 new weapons and skills, 35 new spells, new armors, bosses, and gameplay mechanics. Additional information can be found ...