源于 BOSS GT 系列旗舰级的音色,内置大量专业级的音箱模拟和效果器,适合各种音乐风格。GT-1 操作直观,您可快速创建音色,同时可设定功能的控制开关及表情踏板可以让您实时调节。登录 BOSS TONE CENTRAL 网站您可以免费下载专业级音色、编辑软件及其他功能。拥有专业级音色且坚固耐用的 GT-1 适合爱好者或旅行乐手。
BOSS TONE CENTRAL is a library service offering additional contents for BOSS products. By simply launching the dedicated BOSS TONE STUDIO application and connecting to the internet, you can download any of the free contents from our growing collection.
BOSS TONE CENTRAL is a library service offering additional contents for BOSS products. By simply launching the dedicated BOSS TONE STUDIO application and connecting to the internet, you can download any of the free contents from our growing collection. ...
BOSS TONE CENTRAL is a library service offering additional contents for BOSS products. By simply launching the dedicated BOSS TONE STUDIO application and connecting to the internet, you can download any of the free contents from our growing collection. ...
另外,面板上的控制界面和可视化循环指示灯提供了简单、独立的操作,而外部开关和 MIDI 可以进行扩展控制。该设备还具有一个庞大的节奏库,几乎涵盖任何音乐类型,您甚至可以导入自己的节奏,使用 RC-10R 打造个性化的歌曲和风格。 *中国大陆地区暂不提供本产品在 BOSS Tone Central 上的相关内容下载的支持。
In this guide, we will show you how to get up and running using your Katana with the Boss Tone Studio software. Click here to learn more!
适用于 macOS 和 Windows 的 BOSS Tone Studio 软件可帮您扩展创作范围,支持编辑音色及替换部分音箱模拟和效果类型。此外,您可以为不同的演出保存和编辑音色设置,从 BOSS Tone Central 中下载专业音色。ME-90 还支持使用 BT-DUAL 蓝牙音频 MIDI 适配器(另购),可以从移动设备上播放音乐,并使用专用的 BTS editor ...
BOSS TONE STUDIO and BOSS TONE CENTRAL Available as a free download, the BOSS TONE STUDIO software makes it simple to edit and organize your GP-10 patches on your Mac or Windows computer. In addition, the software provides direct access via USB to the BOSS TONE CENTRAL website, which offer...
area inside TONE STUDIO.Memories (livesets) that you download from BOSS TONE CENTRAL (p. 10) and memories that you back up from the ME-25 are saved in the library.LivesetA liveset is a group of multiple memories.Memories that you download from BOSS TONE CENTRAL and memories that yo......
model doesn’t have the send/return loop of the larger models in the range (though it’s hard to imagine an effect that’s not already catered for!) but all models have a USB recording output, with drivers available for both Windows and macOS via thehttp://bosstonecentral.comweb site....