【非主流设备贱赏-手..非知名手残狗 军师昌幸的 BOSS SY300试用出炉。。。首先先附上官方的说明文本图片版 给需要研究或者打算入手的人一个参考。争取做成一个长更的贴子 做到比较完善为止。因为弹琴水平和乐理物理水平都比
*This live set was created with SY-300.To use this liveset, please install the BOSS TONE STUDIO application dedicated to your product. Please check the supported product list and download the matching BOSS TONE STUDIO for your product. SY-300 True analog-style polyphonic guitar synthesizer with...
2.2万 3 20:08 App BOSS GT-1 电吉他综合效果器快速入门 7959 2 17:29 App BOSS GT-1B 贝斯综合效果器快速入门 1189 0 00:55 App 严谨又不失趣味地练琴 | BOSS RC-10R 节奏循环工作站 751 0 01:40 App [中字] BOSS SY-1 吉他合成器 - Thomas McRocklin 精彩演绎 5553 1 00:46 App AIRA Com...
While the SY‑300 probably wouldn’t wow many keyboard players with its repertoire of sounds, it provides the guitar player with the means to call up some convincing analogue–style synths sounds with stompbox convenience: if you can use a fuzz box, you can use the SY‑300. ...
物品7 BOSS SY-300 Guitar Synthesizer effect pedal used free shipping UsedBOSS SY-300 Guitar Synthesizer effect pedal used free shipping Used 3,683.39元 包邮 Other Guitar Effects Pedals中的优惠商品 目前显示第 1 张/共 2张 - Other Guitar Effects Pedals中的优惠商品 ...
探索吉他音色的新纪元,SY-300吉他合成器将引领您进入音色创新的神奇世界。连接SY-300无需专用的拾音器接口,配置标准大两芯接口的吉他可即插即用。 由于SY-300搭载有BOSS的革新技术,您可以创建具有模拟特性且无延时的复合合成音色。虽然还是同一把吉他,但连接SY-300后,您的演绎将充满自然的表现力。您同样可以使用合...
SY-300 SFX & Sequence Collection 1Unique SFX and sequential patch collection. Electronic Fusion Jazz Metal Pop R&B Rock Soul Studio Surf SynthLive Set 1STORMSound like thunderstorm made by NOISE waveform. CTL1 chages the colour of sound. Also enable to control filter cutoff frequency by ...
The BOSS SY-300's powerful polyphonic synth engine brings a limitless range of new sounds to your arsenal. Just like with the classic analog synths of the world, you have complete creative freedom to invent sounds with a full palette of synthesis parameters. Select different wave shapes, tweak...