Prior to spawning, lava flows down from the mountain towards the valley of the boss arena. The closer the lava is to the ground, the sooner the boss will spawn.In addition to the lava flow, a wave of Blazes spawns 20 minutes prior to the boss spawning. When the timer reaches 10 minut...
夏季冰川将会融化,靠近营火的冰川同样也会融化。 Fixed bug where Pengulls stopped spawning after the first year. 修复了企鹅只在第一年出现的漏洞。 Fixed bug where poop thrown by Splumonkey can land and stay outside of valid ground. 修复洞穴后自扔出的便便卡出地形的漏洞。 Fixed bug where Hounds...
Prior to spawning, lava flows down from the mountain towards the valley of the boss arena. The closer the lava is to the ground, the sooner the boss will spawn.In addition to the lava flow, a wave of Blazes spawns 20 minutes prior to the boss spawning. When the timer reaches 10 minut...