October 7, 2024: All the boss loot tables have been updated for the launch of Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred, including all the unique items for the new spiritborn class. You need a Diablo 4 boss loot table to track down all the powerful unique items for your character's build. With the...
Read the updated Diablo 4 Boss Loot Tables to explore the Uber Boss drops and Uber Unique drop rates in Season 4!
No loot tables have been made yet. We’ll have them soon ™Leave a Reply. If you want to submit coordinates for datacrons or lore objects please make sure that you submit X,Y,Z coordinates that show up when you HOVER OVER YOUR MINI-MAP, since player or cursor coordinates are usually...
Leave a Reply. If you want to submit coordinates for datacrons or lore objects please make sure that you submit X,Y,Z coordinates that show up when you HOVER OVER YOUR MINI-MAP, since player or cursor coordinates are usually incorrect. Thank you....
Here are loot tables and unique drop rates of the Uber Bosses in Diablo 4 Season 3, check out where you can get the specific unqiue before planning out target farming!
Here we update the D4 Season 5 Boss & Infernal Hordes Loot Tables that cover the drops from each Uber Boss and Infernal Hordes, as well as the drop rates of each Unique item (unique & mythic unique) in the Season of Infernal Hordes!
Kanis Loot and Location BROWSE DATABASE Named Mobs and Bosses Name: Kanis Location: Voss Coordinates: X: -1237, Y: -1119 Notes: We would like to thank Dirty McNasty for sending us additional information and screenshots. Gallery No loot tables have been made yet. We’ll have them soon ...
Long Claw Loot and LocationBROWSE DATABASE Named Mobs and Bosses Name: Long Claw Location: Belsavis Coordinates: X: -986, Y: -431Notes: Long Claw can be found inside of a cave with Endurance +4 datacron, North High Security Section. Cave entrance is inside of a gap between two rock ...
Stev Brygies is next to another Champion Jon Brygies. They are both Republic Neutral. GalleryNo loot tables have been made yet. We’ll have them soon ™Leave a Reply. If you want to submit coordinates for datacrons or lore objects please make sure that you submit X,Y,Z coordinates ...
Nigh Kris Loot and LocationBROWSE DATABASE Named Mobs and Bosses Name: Nigh Kris Location: Makeb Coordinates: X: -2888, Y: -2737Notes: Nigh Kris can be found inside the Hesk Estate Guest House at Northeastern Solida Hesk’s Estate. Nigh Kris comes with J’virgo N’yen elite stealth me...