功能强劲、非同凡响的 Katana 音箱头 下载 更新& 驱动 更新& 驱动 BOSS TONE STUDIO for KATANA Mk II Ver.2.1.0 for Windows BOSS TONE STUDIO for KATANA Mk II Ver.2.1.0 for macOS KATANA Driver Ver.1.0.1 for Windows 10/11 KATANA Driver Ver.1.0.0 for Windows ...
Please refer to the "Using BOSS TONE STUDIO for KATANA Mk II" for more information. PREPARING IN ADVANCE TO USE BOSS TONE STUDIO FOR KATANA MkII Before you use TONE STUDIO, the appropriate USB driver for the product you’re using must be installed on your computer. KATANA Driver for Window...
Using BOSS TONE STUDIO for KATANA Mk II ThisdocumentexplainsbasicoperationofBOSSTONESTUDIOforKATANAMkII (subsequently referred to as "TONE STUDIO"). Getting Ready to Use TONE STUDIO Installing the USB Driver Before you use TONE STUDIO, the appropriate USB driver for the product you're using must...
Boss Tone Studio Started bypradman01 Replies: 3 Views: 660 May 02, 2021, 01:01:04 PM bygumtown Katana MK2 - macOS M1 USB drivers available now Started byadmin Replies: 1 Views: 522 May 01, 2021, 06:09:59 PM bygumtown Two Katana Artist Mk II amps in Dual Link ...
KATANA:GO 的吉他和贝斯模式各有 30 个音色存储,内置可随时调用的原厂音色。使用 BOSS Tone Studio,您可以调整预设,从新创建音色,或导入使用舞台级 Katana 吉他/贝斯音箱的音色数据。还可在 BOSS Tone Exchange *下载专业制作的音色并与全球 BOSS 社区分享音色。
ME-90B 接口丰富,采用小巧的电池供电设计,可满足各种演出需求;Katana-500 Bass Head创新的箱体共振校准技术打造出众的贝斯音效;KATANA CABINET 112 BASS体积小巧,声音宏大。 ME-90B 贝斯综合效果器 直观操作,即刻上手 ME-90B 贝斯综合效果器配备了专业贝斯手梦寐以求的响应迅速的 ME 处理器。凭借 61 种专为贝斯优化...
可选购的配套箱体:Katana Cabinet 112 Bass 下载“BTS for KATANA BASS HEAD” (iOS 系统):https://apps.apple.com/app/bts-for-katana-bass-head/id6470958964 下载“BOSS TONE STUDIO for KATANA BASS HEAD” (Windows/macOS 系统):https://boss.roland-china.com/products/katana-210_bass/downloads/ ...
Katana-Artist MkII 2.0版本固件升级内容 音色曲线设置“Contour”——可使用3种不同的音色曲线设置来塑造核心音色,每一种都有4条可定制的频率曲线可供选择。 FX效果链中增加“SOLO”模块——可移动至前/后的”SOLO”模块可帮助您从节奏音色直接切换到主音音色,并可以通过外接脚踏开关或GA-FC脚踏控制器来指定控制...
If you want to explore the tones more deeply, you need to pair your new practice device with the Boss Tone Studio app via Bluetooth. The app has a specific version for the Katana:Go so you'll want to make sure you download the correct iteration. ...
In this guide, we will show you how to get up and running using your Katana with the Boss Tone Studio software. Click here to learn more!