control technologies like Git and Bitbucket. • Must have knowledge of one or more scripting languages such as Python, Shell, Groovy, etc. • Experience with Docker, Catch2, CMake, and C++ is a plus. • Able to communicate in spoken English, proficient in reading and writing. • ...
(railway or automobile or industry); 5. Proficient in C/C++ languages; 6. Linux experience will be a plus; 7. MATLAB/Simulink will be a plus 8. Knowledge and outstanding experience about application design or embedded development, including software, documentation, etc.; 9. Knowledge about ...
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Rakuten’s boss, Hiroshi Mikitani, argues that English promotes free thinking because it is free from the status distinctions which characterize Japanese and other Asian languages. Antonella Mei-Pochtler of the Boston Consulting Group notes that German firms get through their business much faster in...
aFor many years,Population has been growing.. This in particular to Africa mainly in Asia. This is mainly because China and India and other countries traditional patriarchal thinking.Although China has used the family planning policy has played a certain role, but India and other countries has ...
Hotel Boss can communicate in 4 languages and supports popular languages such as English and Mandarin Chinese for visitors going to this property. Please refer to the 'Amenities and facilities' section and in the 'Languages spoken' category to find out what different languages this property supports...