GT-1000 Driver for macOS Big Sur 11.x / Monterey 12.x / Ventura 13.x GT-1000 Driver for macOS 10.15 GT-1000 Driver for macOS / OS X Please refer to the "Using BOSS TONE STUDIO for GT-1000" for details on how to use in the [ Owner's Manuals ]. UPDATE HISTORY [ Ver.4.1.0...
Update your GT-100 to use BOSS TONE STUDIO. Ver.2 software is available as a free download for all GT-100 owners at the product page. GT-100 Ver.2 Live Sets GT-100 Ver.2 Product Details GT-001 A stylish desktop processor with the amps and effects of the flagship GT-100 Ver.2 for...
If you update on the normal mode of GT-1000CORE against the correct procedure, this update data may destroy the system program. Never power-off your GT-1000CORE while the update is in progress! If a power failure or similar accident occurs during the update process, the GT-1000CORE won’...
Update your GT-100 to use BOSS TONE STUDIO. Ver.2 software is available as a free download for all GT-100 owners at the product page. GT-100 Ver.2 Live Sets GT-100 Ver.2 Product Details GT-001 A stylish desktop processor with the amps and effects of the flagship GT-100 Ver.2 for...
gt:大于参数值,例如gt=5; gte:大于等于参数值,例如gte=50; lt:小于参数值,例如lt=50; lte:小于等于参数值,例如lte=50; oneof:只能是列举出的值其中一个,这些值必须是数值或字符串,以空格分隔,如果字符串中有空格,将字符串用单引号包围,例如oneof=male female。
在这个js里会用到前面接口生成的c、s、gt、challenge,还需要轨迹、滑动时间、滑动距离。代码比较多比较杂,这里直接展示最终的参数生成代码,只需传入对应的参数。 function generate_w(params){ /** * 生成w, params需要传入distance, passtime, track, c, s, gt, challenge */ var u = new U()["encrypt...
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bought it to replace some modulation effects and reduce board size. i use it with my boss es-8 and its a perfect combo. midi control is simple, boss tone app is easy to use. i have it setup where i use the gt-1000 returns as separate loops for the es-8, which basically gives ...