【屌丝宅之家】Boss gt10电吉他效果器参数调节教程三【电吉他原生音色】 +追 超清画质 评论 收藏 下载 分享 选集 01:15 闯关族M78:贝利亚带儿子炫耀!不料对方猪队友!奥特曼笑喷饭 2025-02-27 01:19 闯关族M78:伪装成花朵的怪兽!吉格拉斯登场!赛文奥特曼日常 2025-02-24 05:06 闯关族M78:贝利亚和亲儿子捷德奥...
(EXP Pedal Hold) 73 Switching How the Pedal Indicators Light (Pedal Indicate) 74 Selecting the Dial Function (Dial Function) 75 Restoring the Factory Settings (Factory Reset) 76 Adjusting the EXP Pedal 77 Chapter 6 Using the GT-10 with External MIDI Devices Connected ...79 What Can You Do...
general operation of GT-10 is truly intuitive. The Effects Select buttons, for example, enable instant access to the essential parameters of each effect. The values of the parameters shown can be increased/decreased immediately by turning four rotary encoder knobs below the LCD. Operation is as ...
内容提示: * G 6 0 2 7 1 2 6 - 0 1 *Thank you, and congratulations on your choice of the BOSS GT-10.202Copyright © 2008 BOSS CORPORATIONAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of BOSS CORPORATION.201bBefore using...
While Editor allows you to save only one patch, Librarian handles all of the data for all of the GT-10's patches (or more). Usage of the software For Windows users: Please decompress the downloaded "GT10Librarian100.zip," then copy the "GT10Librarian100" folder to your computer, and ...
GT10是半年前搞的!当时,并不是觉得X3LIVE不好,而是突然间对BOSS的产品有兴趣,并且 挺强烈,所以就换来玩玩!毕竟LINE6的产品玩了5年,怎么都腻了!当然,GT10现在我也卖 了,也并不是它不好,而是,我换了单块···!卖了GT10,得到的钱只是买了 几个单块!论声音的种类跟玩法,当然是合成的好!但我觉得单块更...
停产了,现在是GT-100,我买了,效果比较多,但效果还是不能像单块 建业★红魔 默默无闻 1 主要是调,毕竟很多效果,性价比在那放着,很多吉他手都用这个录音。 摇滚的英雄辣椒 崭露头角 2 用过,很强大,能重能轻,主要是要会调。 洛阳世纪软件 富有美誉 9 GT10和GT100适合乐手干酒吧,外场演出之类的流行银...
While Editor allows you to save only one patch, Librarian handles all of the data for all of the GT-10's patches (or more). Usage of the software Please decompress the downloaded "GT10Librarian100.zip," then copy the "GT10Librarian100" folder to your computer, and double-click setup....