Radiowave absorption has been used to identify and characterize the different states that occur in fermionic gases and condensates cre- ated by the application of a magnetic field31–35. The higher microwave energies are consistent with the higher temperatures and energies already noted in the pump...
Both standing waves along the (1, 1)-direction may be derived by retro-reflecting two parallelly propagating laser beams with wave numbers k and k0 by the same mirror. To prepare the required spatial relative phase of the two lattices, k0 may be slightly detuned from the precise ratio k0/...
(e.g., using a time-of-flight algorithm). For example, FIG. 2, which illustrates a top plan schematic view of audio playback device102, shows that an audio input, i.e., a generated sound wave, may be initiated at first position P1. As sound in the form of an audio input ...
The AGC circuits 22A, 27A each contain a full wave rectifier and a low pass filter that produce an absolute value of their input signals as a function of time. The AGC circuits together adjust their gain to deliver a constant high signal level Rrefto A/D converters 28A at a later stage...
The wavefunctions in the polarized and unpolarized regimes are qualitatively different. In the unpolarizedpffirffieffiffigffiffiffiiffimffiffiffiffieffiffiffithe wavefunction takes the general form jci¼A expð2ikRxÞj þ 1i À 1 À 2A2j0i þ A expð À 2ikRxÞj À 1i...
Lee and A. Pais [2] on the basis of the Bose-Einstein symmetrization of the wave-function of identical pion pairs. Because the Bose-Einstein correlations are related to the Fourier transform of the source, correlation measurements can provide an insight into the shape and the dynamics of the...