How to reset Bose SoundSport Earbuds Bose SoundSport Earbudscan be reset with the following steps: Turn off your earbuds and wait 30 seconds. Connect your earbuds to a wall outlet with a USB charger. Wait five seconds before disconnecting the USB cable from the earbuds. ...
Bose SoundSport Free Manual | Everything You Need To Know! Bose SoundSport Free Manual | How to Pair / Connect? To iOS and Android phones Step 1: Open the lid of the charging case and take the earbuds out. After that, a blue light will turn on and start flashing, and the earbuds wi...
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Bose Corporation could void the user’s authority to operate...
Bose Connect是一款专门为Bose蓝牙研发推出的一款手机控制端软件,用户可以使用它来控制Bose蓝牙并与其连接进行操控。通过该软件支持进行点歌、音量、开关等基本功能,并且还支持设置消噪、心率读数和自动关闭计时器等一些特色的功能。
bose connectapp介绍 bose connect释放您bose蓝牙产品的全部潜能。 bose耳机控制软件功能 充分利用耳机 qc?30耳机有可控消噪功能,您可以在应用程序中调节耳机的消噪水平,决定想要听到的环境音量。soundsport?pulse耳机内置心率监视器,可以在应用程序中清楚地显示您的心率。
SoundSport Here’s how to use the Bose Connect app to pair your Bose headset to your iPhone. Step 1:Power on your Bose headset and make sure it's in pairing mode. Step 2:Make sure Bluetooth is enabled on your iPhone. Step 3:Download and launch the Bose Connect app. ...
Bose无线耳机App(Bose Connect)可以释放您的 SoundSport Pulse 无线耳机的全部潜力。从查看产品详细信息到个性化设置,充分利用您的 Bose 无线产品。使您的移动设备与耳机轻松配对,可以查看您的实时心率,在多个移动设备之间轻松连接和切换。还能自定义耳机设置,例如语音提示语言和开启自动关闭模式。它甚至会在后台下载最新的...
下载Bose Connect使用:Bose QC 35 II游戏耳机、Bose 智能音频眼镜(Alto、Rondo)、QC35耳机、SoundSport无线耳机、SoundSport Pulse无线耳机、SoundSport Free无线耳机、QC 30耳机、SoundLink II无线耳机、ProFlight耳机、SoundWear Companion扬声器、SoundLink Color II扬声器、SoundLink Revolve扬声器、SoundLink Revolve+扬声器、So...
2、SoundSport Pulse 耳机内置心率监视器,可以在应用程序中清楚地显示您的心率 3、从查看产品详细信息到个性化设置,充分利用您的 Bose 无线产品,该应用程序甚至会在后台为您的产品下载最新软件 【软件特色】 1、boss作为时尚界的潮流品牌,拥有一些关机定时
The free Bose Connect app lets you access additional product features and easily adjust product settings from your mobile device. Find out which products work with the app and how to get it. Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play ...