本次更新为笔记的第五部分:Hubbard模型中的Bose-Hubbard Model。 Hubbard Model中根据其on-site repulsion U, hopping intensity J & chemical potential μ 的不同,会给出丰富的不同于经典相的exotic quantum phase,例如Mott Insulator (MI)态、Superfluidity (SF)态、Antiferromagnetic spin order (AFM)等 本章...
interactionsWe employ the (dynamical) density matrix renormalization group technique to investigate the ground-state properties of the Bose-Hubbard model with nearest-neighbor transfer amplitudes t and local two-body and three-body Coulomb repulsion of strength U and W, respectively. We determine the ...
二、一些Bose-Hubbard模型的解析理论 考虑Hubbard Model在超流-Mott绝缘体相变点附近的行为。在Mott绝缘体一侧,每个site上有恒定粒子数n。如果稍加微扰,可以认为在第i个site上的粒子可以用|n-1\rangle,|n\rangle,|n+1\rangle展开。而这实际上很类似我们处理的对spin-1的粒子的三个基:|J_z=1,0,-1\rangle,...
在Hubbard Model中,根据on-site repulsion U、hopping intensity J和chemical potential[公式]的不同,会出现多种不同于经典相的exotic quantum phase,如Mott Insulator (MI)态、Superfluidity (SF)态和Antiferromagnetic spin order (AFM)态等。本章主要涵盖Bose-Hubbard Model (BHM)的哈密顿量、两种极...
参考书籍:Hui Zhai《Ultracold Atomic Physics》复习期末考顺便录视频。我的水平有限,如有不足之处还请大家批评指正。, 视频播放量 2029、弹幕量 1、点赞数 38、投硬币枚数 10、收藏人数 28、转发人数 4, 视频作者 sinxcosxdx, 作者简介 分享物理课程与科研,相关视频:玻
bose-hubbard模型的动力学平均场理论 热度: Different orderings in the narrow-band limit of the extended Hubbard model on the Bethe lattice 热度: 相关推荐 Bose-HubbardModel StanimirKondov May5,2008 Abstract TheBose-Hubbardhamiltonianwillbeintroducedandjustifiedasaneffectivedescriptionofsome releva...
Bose-Hubbard模型 1. The Bose-Hubbard model is a basic model which contains main features in the strongly interacting Bose systems. 本文研究的是不存在无规势时的一维Bose-Hubbard模型,本模型中仅考虑了玻色子最邻近格点间跳迁,而同一格点上玻色子相互排斥作用强度不依赖于格点,且为一维环状晶格或格点周期...
The pursuit of superconducting-based quantum computers has advanced the fabrication of and experimentation with custom lattices of qubits and resonators. Here, we describe a roadmap to use present experimental capabilities to simulate an interacting many
关键词:Bose-Hubbard模型;动力学平均场理论;Mott绝缘体;Bose-Einstein 凝聚相 1 2 /U Abstract Inthisdissertation,wefirstpresentanintroductionofthestudy ontheBose-Hubbardmodel,includingthebackgroundandtheoretical methods.Thenwebrieflyintroducethedynamicalmeanfieldtheoryand ...
硕士学位论文 THESI S OF MASTER DEGREE 论文题目: Bose-Hubbard 模型的动力学平均场理论 (英文): Dynami cal l y Mean Fi el d Theory For The Bose-Hubbard Model 作 者: 胡文俊 指导教师: 同宁华 2009 年 5 月 20 日 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 21 p. 分布式电源可靠性 7 p. 论《...