WELCOME TO BOSE WORLDWIDE Select your region OTHER COUNTRIES Contact information Africa, Middle East Asia Pacific Europe Latin America and Caribbean Product support and manuals Find the tools and information you need to support the lasting value of your Bose® products. ...
BOSE 1月17日 15:12 来自微博网页版 在#CES#2025期间,Bose向汽车合作伙伴展示了在汽车音响领域最新的音频技术和声音解决方案,包括搭载于保时捷纯电动Macan的全新一代Bose环绕声音响系统,以及在多款不同车型上演示迭代的SeatCentric座椅声场体验和3DX沉浸式音乐体验等最新技术成果。基于60年心理声学研究的深厚积淀,Bo...
Experience the latest in sound innovation. Shop Bose headphones, speakers, soundbars, and more, supported by premium customer service. Sound is Power.
Experience the latest in sound innovation. Shop Bose headphones, speakers, soundbars, and more, supported by premium customer service. Sound is Power.
Experience the latest in sound innovation. Shop Bose headphones, speakers, soundbars, and more, supported by premium customer service. Sound is Power.
Sitio web oficial de Bose. Obtén más información sobre soluciones innovadoras que te ayudarán a sentir, hacer y ser más. Compra audífonos, altavoces, dispositivos portátiles y productos de bienestar.
60 years of Bose. 60 years of legendary music. SPIN and Bose have teamed up again to bring you an unprecedented celebration of sound. This epic collaboration explores six decades of groundbreaking music, featuring trailblazers who redefined music across generations. Join us as we honor the past,...
Bose SoundLink Micro 博士蓝牙扬声器 便携无线蓝牙音箱小型家用 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#ICAgIC1zx0FMf2R+2G5Gc2N0gHUPceN91nwdd+l/GnGdfKhug3eKQYF0F3pffC51ZHtvdZh9AXEUQLxAonBAdON7b27heGd7QndLfGhx4307fJFAog==] Bose 电视音响TVSpeaker 博士蓝牙连接 家庭影院回音壁音箱多功能 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#FBQ...
BOSE公司由美国麻省理工学院电子工程教授Amar G. Bose博士创建于1964年,是世界上最早的扬声器生产商之一,也是业内“原音重现”技术的革新者。宗旨 博世让每一个毛孔聆听 法拉第说:科学发展,源于对生活的关心。博世音响的诞生就源于其创始人对生活品质的追求。电子博士创建的“专业”音响 起源 发明过程 Amar G....