罗伯特·博世有限公司(德语:Robert Bosch GmbHⓘ,经常简称为Bosch),简称博世公司或博世,是德国一家以工程和电子为首要业务的跨国公司,总部位于斯图加特附近的格尔林根。它是2011年全球最大的汽车零组件供应商[2]。该公司由罗伯特·博世于1886年在斯图加特创立[3]。该公司现由罗伯特·博世基金会持有其92%股份。[4]...
1994 Established Robert Bosch Power Tools Sdn Bhd in Malaysia. Acquired 50% interest of Gesellschaft BG Automotive Motors Inc. from GE. Established Korea Bosch Mechanics and Electronics Corp. Ltd. in which the Company holds a 51% interest, with the Doowon Group. Established Automotive Systems Tech...
3. 来作为消费者们最好的生活伙伴 Bosch 提倡用轻松简单的步骤,来解决家务给人们的烦恼 虽然摆脱繁重的家务是不可能的,但你可以用其他东西来协助你,让生活更轻松——作为欧洲著 的家电品牌,博世家电代表着不妥协的品质、创新的技术和出色的可靠性。这一理念始终贯穿 昨日、现今和未来。 1886 罗伯特·博世的首个“...
Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea,...
1994 Established Robert Bosch Power Tools Sdn Bhd in Malaysia. Acquired 50% interest of Gesellschaft BG Automotive Motors Inc. from GE. Established Korea Bosch Mechanics and Electronics Corp. Ltd. in which the Company holds a 51% interest, with the Doowon Group. Established Automotive Systems Tech...