Bosch Healthcare Solutions offers innovative medical technology for more quality of life. Discover more about our products.
Bosch Healthcare Solutions (BHCS) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Robert Bosch GmbH and was founded in 2015. We create innovative diagnostic solutions to improve people's quality of life and global healthcare. BHCS unites the innovative mindset of a young company with the leading expertise and...
【参考译文】Bosch Healthcare Solutions GmbH是罗伯特·博世股份有限公司的全资子公司。这家子公司成立于2015年。该业务提供医疗保健和医疗技术领域的相关产品和服务。[40] 2020年3月,Bosch Healthcare Solutions宣布已开发出一种可在不到三小时内检测出引起COVID-19疫情的冠状病毒SARS-CoV-2的诊断工具。根据博世的...
bosch healthcare solutions gmbh是一家德国采购商,外贸邦网提供该公司的市场分析、贸易伙伴名录、港口统计分析、提单数据、联系方式(联系人、邮箱、网址)
Bosch Healthcare Solutions develops products and services that improve people’s health and quality of life. In addition, Bosch is also contributing to resource-saving and accident-free agriculture with its digital solutions. 1/4 Technological advances for more sustainability ...
Bosch Healthcare Solutions GmbH: R004462 EU Transparency Register: Robert Bosch GmbH: 8999533555-91 Bosch Thermotechnology GmbH: 269619148071-01 BSH Hausgeräte GmbH: 416456120129-02 USA Lobbying Disclosure: Robert Bosch LLC: Senate ID# 40008054-12; House ID# 401320000 ...
Bosch Vivalytic Analyser说明书
of the Bosch test is that it offers differential diagnosis, which saves doctors the additional time needed for further tests. It also provides them with a reliable diagnosis quickly so they can then begin suitable treatment faster,” says Marc Meier, president of Bosch Healthcare Solutions GmbH....
Healthcare The COVID-19 pandemic showed how important research in the area of medical technology is. Our work at Bosch Research is helping to make automated and AI-based medical diagnostics more accurate and faster, and is putting in place the foundations for personalized therapy. Laboratory diagn...
Bosch Service Solutions aims to make life safer, more comfortable and more efficient We are an international provider of technology-based services. Since 1986, we have been developing high-quality, integrated service solutions for companies in the automotive, logistics, and healthcare industries, as ...