The answer can be found inside the battery, more precisely in the so-called tabless cells. Yvonne Schweizer, segment owner for batteries and chargers, and Andreas Gonser, battery expert, explain what is behind the new battery technology. ...
-排気ガスターボチャージャー用アクチュエーター (Exhaust gas turbocharger actuators)-ホットフィルムエアマスメーター (Hot-film air-mass meter (HFM))-エア温度センサー (Air temperature sensors)-ブーストプレッシャーセンサー (Boost pressure sensors)-微粒子センサー (Particle sensors)...
The Bosch eBike systems System overview The smart system Bosch eBike system 2 Products & components Drive units Rechargeable batteries Displays & control units Chargers ABS Electric gear shifting solutions Riding modes Connected Biking & apps Connected Biking as an experience eBike Flow app Flow+ su...
The new system includes a new app and battery that is said to have a greater range than any other Bosch electric bike battery
CHARGERS LIGHTING BATTERIES HEALTHHome / Mobility>Electric bike>Battery bike door luggage 36V PowerPack 500 ACTIVE BOSCHBattery bike door luggage 36V PowerPack 500 ACTIVE BOSCHReference: 0275007531 Type: Battery Technology: Li-Ion Voltage (V): 36 V Capacity (Ah): 14 Weight...
400W LiFePO4 Charger 36V 43.8V 8A Power Tool Batteries Lawn Mover Charger US$34.00-37.00 10 Pieces (MOQ) 40A Rapid Charging-Electric Digital/Inverter Battery Charger/Reparing/Car Jump Starter-Power Tools US$55.00-58.00 500 Pieces (MOQ) Fuyuang Universal Charger...
-废气涡轮增压器执行器 (Exhaust gas turbocharger actuators)-热模式空气流量计 (Hot-film air-mass meter (HFM))-空气温度传感器 (Air temperature sensors)-增压压力传感器 (Boost pressure sensors)-粒子传感器 (Particle sensors)-NOx传感器 (NOx sensors)-Lambda传感器 (Lambda sensors)-电子节气门 (Electronic ...
Other style e bike battery 36/48V Capacity 17.5Ah (13S5P) with Usb 2.0 Port suitable for 1000W motor. Max Constant Discharge Current: 25A, Charger: 54.6v 2A Black color and LED Power Display,perfect product performance make enjoy long dis...
Take advantage of the Bosch 18v Battery's compatibility across many high-performance tools of the same voltage class. Save money on every extra purchase by opting for a cheaper single-person variant that doesn't come with a battery or charger. ...
Bosch PowerTube 500Wh battery for E bike Bosch PowerPack 400/500Wh - Frame/Rack Other style e bike battery 36/48V Capacity 17.5Ah (13S5P) with Usb 2.0 Port suitable for 1000W motor. Max Constant Discharge Current: 25A, Charger:...