Bosch Serie | 4 Flexxo 25.2V BBH32551 3,9 Preis € 169,00 · Platzierung 759 in HandstaubsaugerPreise Preisentwicklung Produktinformationen Spezifikationen J Jula Stielsauger 2-in-1 BBH32551 25,2 V 55 min 0,4 l Ausverkauft
- Exhaust pipe in front of the sensor should not contain any pockets, projections, protrusions, edges, flex-tubes, etc. in order to avoid accumulation of condensation which can damage the sensor. - Open and/or leaky exhausts and camshaft overlap are known causes of false lean sensor readings...
schroff NIFLEX ADVANCED 1665.030 44MM 100MM 120MMWEFORMA WP-M 0.25-3Ahoffmann S.N.M6201742A F-201CV-5K0-AGD-44-VSchweiger LX660-4077-T297/L20RLAPP RV-1.5mm2MSC Tuttlingen GmbH 6304245ESAM FLUX JET CE S/N EE7521172KISTLER 20AC8P7A0AYNANC0STROMAG 0550 880-B24VSTAHL 9170/20-10-11Rex...