context_length = input_ids.index(tokenizer._convert_token_to_id("sop")) 从build_inputs_with_special_tokens代码来看,这里就是个bug... 改成len(a_ids) 应该可以 This was referencedNov 25, 2024 [BUG/Help] 微调bash train.sh时报错:ValueError: None is not in listTHUDM/ChatGLM-6B#1471 [BUG...
ReplicationConfDuplicate The replication has exist with different id 跨区域复制配置重复 409 Conflict EmptyHTTPAuthHeader The HTTP authorization header is empty. We do not allow using Session Token with empty authorization header sts签名请求中,缺少authorization请求header 400 Bad Request EntityTooSmall Your...
I am unable to set bos_token_id=0 for a new SentencePiece tokenizer (MBART). Here is what I'm doing? wget from transformers import T5Tokeni...
BOS Token4+ PlainsCapital Bank 专为iPad 设计 免费 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 Supports secure interaction and user authentication 新内容 2024年8月8日 版本2.1 Updated to latest SDKs, minor bug fixes. App 隐私 开发者“PlainsCapital Bank”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信...
productLineId=1&isKnowledge=2 将里面两个参数更改成我自己的参数。报这样的错误,求大佬解答解决方案: 服务插件不会加载单据的完整数据包,要按需引用需要的字段。 在预加载事件OnPreparePropertys中添加字段标识,告诉系统需要额外加载的字段。 问题来源: 开发测试显示不存在属性 (、 BOS可以登录,进入...
./bce -c BOS Access Key ID []: 353b8dexxxxxxxxxxb156d3 BOS Secret Access Key []: ea15a18xxxxxx29f78e8d77 BCE Security Token [None]: Default region name [bj]: Default domain []: Default use auto switch domain [yes]: Default breakpoint_file_expiration [7] days: ...
(access_key, secret_key, token) def download(ak, sk, token=None): """从Bucket中下载文件到本地""" bucket_name = "bucketName" # 访问的bucket名称 object_key = "/aaa.png" # 在请求url没有参数时,访问的key的名字就是path,注意以 '/'开头 region = "" # bucket所在的区域,...
{AUTHORIZATION}={auth_key}" # 如果有token参数则添加到header中 if token is not None: header['x-bce-security-token'] = token # 将文件读取为二进制流 local_path = "/本地路径/文件名" with open(local_path, "rb") as f: # 发起put上传请求 resp = requests.put(url=request_url, headers=...
(StringUtils.isNotBlank(checkcode) &&checkcode.equals(validatecode)){//使用shiro框架提供的方式进行认证操作Subject subject = SecurityUtils.getSubject();//获得当前用户对象,状态为“未认证”AuthenticationToken token =newUsernamePasswordToken(model.getUsername(),MD5Utils.md5(model.getPassword()));//创建用户...